Tag Archives: Azure

Create conditional access base policies for a Microsoft Entra ID tenant

This article shows some of the base conditional access policies which can be implemented for all Microsoft Entra ID tenants. Phishing resistant authentication should be required for all administration flows and some other user policies like sign-in risk MFA or terms of conditions. I recommend these base policies when implementing an Microsoft Entra ID tenant […]

Multi client blob storage access using ASP.NET Core with Entra ID authentication and RBAC

This article shows how to onboard different clients or organizations in an ASP.NET Core application to use separated Azure blob containers with controlled access using security groups and RBAC applied roles. Each user in a client group can only access a single blob storage and has no access to blob containers belonging to different clients. […]

Delegated read and application write access to blob storage using ASP.NET Core with Entra ID authentication

This article shows how an ASP.NET Core application can control the write access to an Azure blob storage container using an application app registration. Microsoft Entra ID is used to control the user access and to implement the authentication of the web application. Code: https://github.com/damienbod/AspNetCoreEntraIdBlobStorage Blogs in this series The solution provides a secure upload […]

Secure an ASP.NET Core Blazor Web app using Microsoft Entra ID

This article shows how to implement an ASP.NET Core Blazor Web application using Microsoft Entra ID for authentication. Microsoft.Identity.Web is used to implement the Microsoft Entra ID OpenID Connect client. Code: https://github.com/damienbod/Hostedblazor8MeID Note: I based this implementation on the example provided by Tomás López Rodríguez and adapted it. Setup The Blazor Web application is an […]

Implement a secure web application using Vue.js and an ASP.NET Core server

This article shows how to implement a secure web application using Vue.js and ASP.NET Core. The web application implements the backend for frontend security architecture (BFF) and deploys both technical stack distributions as one web application. HTTP only secure cookies are used to persist the session. Microsoft Entra ID is used as the identity provider […]

ASP.NET Core Logging using Serilog and Azure

This article shows how to implement logging in an ASP.NET Core application using Serilog and Azure as a hosting environment. Code: https://github.com/damienbod/aspnetcore-azure-logging History Priority logging use cases Two types of default logging use cases need to be supported in most software solutions. The application requires near real time logs which can be easily viewed and […]

Use Azure PIM with groups in ASP.NET Core

This article shows how to implement Azure Privileged Identity Management access in an ASP.NET Core application using an Azure security group. An Azure Conditional Access Authentication context is used for the Azure administrator giving access to the group for Azure AD users. The Authentication context is setup to require a phishing resistant authentication. An Enterprise application […]

Trust phishing resistant MFA for cross tenant users

This article shows how to force phishing resistant authentication for external B2B users using a cross tenant trust. The external users are from a separate tenant and the local tenant needs to trust the multiple factor authentication (MFA) from the other known tenants. This prevents the user having to authenticate again and setup more MFA. […]

Azure AD cross-tenant synchronization

The article looks at and explores the new Azure AD cross-tenant synchronization. The feature makes it really easy to implement the technical part of synchronization between different Azure AD tenants. Code: https://github.com/damienbod/Aad-cross-tenant-synchronization Requirements To use this feature, both the source tenant and the target tenant require at least a P1 Azure AD license. The administrator […]

Use Azure AD Access Packages to onboard users in an Azure DevOps project

This post looks at onboarding users into an Azure DevOps team or project using Azure AD access packages. The Azure AD access packages are part of the Microsoft Entra Identity Governance and provide a good solution for onboarding internal or external users into your tenant with access to the defined resources. Flow for onboarding Azure […]