Monthly Archives: May 2021

Verify vaccination data using Zero Knowledge Proofs with ASP.NET Core and MATTR

This article shows how Zero Knowledge Proofs ZKP verifiable credentials can be used to verify a persons vaccination data implemented in ASP.NET Core and MATTR. The ZKP BBS+ verifiable credentials are issued and stored on a digital wallet using a Self-Issued Identity Provider (SIOP) and Open ID Connect. The data can then be used to […]

Secure an Angular SPA and an ASP.NET Core API using Auth0

This article shows how to implement an Angular single page application with an ASP.NET Core API and secured using the Open ID Connect code flow with PKCE and OAuth JWT Bearer tokens to protect the API. The identity provider is implemented using Auth0. The flow uses refresh tokens to renew the SPA session and the […]

Securing OAuth Bearer tokens from multiple Identity Providers in an ASP.NET Core API

This article shows how to secure and use different APIs in an ASP.NET Core API which support OAuth access tokens from multiple identity providers. Access tokens from Azure AD and from Auth0 can be be used to access data from the service. Each API only supports a specific token from the specific identity provider. Microsoft.Identity.Web […]

Present and Verify Verifiable Credentials in ASP.NET Core using Decentralized Identities and MATTR

This article shows how use verifiable credentials stored on a digital wallet to verify a digital identity and use in an application. For this to work, a trust needs to exist between the verifiable credential issuer and the application which requires the verifiable credentials to verify. A blockchain decentralized database is used and MATTR is […]

Create an OIDC credential Issuer with MATTR and ASP.NET Core

This article shows how to create and issue verifiable credentials using MATTR and an ASP.NET Core. The ASP.NET Core application allows an admin user to create an OIDC credential issuer using the MATTR service. The credentials are displayed in an ASP.NET Core Razor Page web UI as a QR code for the users of the […]