Monthly Archives: January 2017

Docker compose with ASP.NET Core, EF Core and the PostgreSQL image

This article show how an ASP.NET Core application with a PostgreSQL database can be setup together using docker as the deployment containers for both web and database parts of the application. docker-compose is used to connect the 2 containers and the application is build using Visual Studio 2017. Code: Setting up the PostgreSQL docker […]

Creating an ASP.NET Core Docker application and deploying to Azure

This blog is a simple step through, which creates an ASP.NET Core Docker image using Visual Studio 2017, deploys it to Docker Hub and then deploys the image to Azure. Thanks to Malte Lantin for his fantastic posts on MSDN. See the links at the end of this post. Code: 2017.02.03: Updated to VS2017 […]

Angular Lazy Loading with Webpack 3

This article shows how Angular lazy loading can be supported using Webpack 2 for both JIT and AOT builds. The Webpack loader angular-router-loader from Brandon Roberts is used to implement this. A big thanks to Roberto Simonetti for his help in this. Code: VS2017 angular 4.x Blogs in this series: ASP.NET Core, Angular with Webpack […]

Building production ready Angular apps with Visual Studio and ASP.NET Core

This article shows how Angular SPA apps can be built using Visual Studio and ASP.NET Core which can be used in production. Lots of articles, blogs templates exist for ASP.NET Core and Angular but very few support Angular production builds. Although Angular is not so old, many different seeds and build templates already exist, so […]