Monthly Archives: January 2018

Using the dotnet Angular template with Azure AD OIDC Implicit Flow

This article shows how to use Azure AD with an Angular application implemented using the Microsoft dotnet template and the angular-auth-oidc-client npm package to implement the OpenID Implicit Flow. The Angular app uses bootstrap 4 and Angular CLI. Code: History 2019-09-23 Updated to ASP.NET Core 3.0, OIDC 10.0.8 2018-07-13 Removed static calls to the […]

Creating specific themes for OIDC clients using razor views with IdentityServer4

This post shows how to use specific themes in an ASPNET Core STS application using IdentityServer4. For each OpenId Connect (OIDC) client, a separate theme is used. The theme is implemented using Razor, based on the examples, code from Ben Foster. Thanks for these. The themes can then be customized as required. Code: Setup […]