Monthly Archives: March 2022

Implementing OAuth2 APP to APP security using Azure AD from a Web APP

This article shows how to implement an API service and client in separate ASP.NET Core applications which are secured using Azure application permissions implemented in an Azure App registration. The OAuth client credentials flow is used to get an access token to access the API. Microsoft.Identity.Web is used to implement the client credentials (CC) flow. […]

Onboarding new users in an ASP.NET Core application using Azure B2C

This article shows how to onboard new users into your ASP.NET Core application using Azure B2C as the identity provider and the account management. The software has application specific persisted user data and this user data needs to be connected to the identity data from the corresponding user in Azure B2C. Code: History 2024-01-02 […]

Transforming identity claims in ASP.NET Core and Cache

The article shows how to add extra identity claims to an ASP.NET Core application which authenticates using the Microsoft.Identity.Web client library and Azure AD B2C or Azure AD as the identity provider (IDP). This could easily be switched to OpenID Connect and use any IDP which supports OpenID Connect. The extra claims are added after […]

Create Azure B2C users with Microsoft Graph and ASP.NET Core

This article shows how to create different types of Azure B2C users using Microsoft Graph and ASP.NET Core. The users are created using application permissions in an Azure App registration. Code: History 2024-01-02 Updated to .NET 8, Graph SDK 5 The Microsoft.Identity.Web Nuget package is used to authenticate the administrator user that can create […]