Monthly Archives: July 2020

Waiting for Azure Durable Functions to complete

The article show how an Azure Durable Function can be used to process a HTTP API request which waits for the completion result. This can be required when you have no control over the client application calling the API and the process requires asynchronous operations like further API calls and so on. The Azure Durable […]

Using Key Vault and Managed Identities with Azure Functions

This article shows how Azure Key Vault could be used together with Azure Functions. The Azure Functions can use the system assigned identity to access the Key Vault. This needs to be configured in the Key Vault access policies using the service principal. By using the Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault and the Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.AzureKeyVault nuget packages, defining direct references […]

Azure Functions Configuration and Secrets Management

This post shows how to configure Azure Function projects so that no secrets are required in the local.settings.json or in the code. Secrets for the project are saved in the user secrets of the project, or in the app settings of the deployment. The deployment should/can use Azure Key Vault for the secrets and not […]

Using External Inputs in Azure Durable functions

This post shows how to implement an Azure Durable function flow with an external HTTP API input. The flow is started using a HTTP request, runs an activity, waits for the external input from a HTTP API which could be any Azure function input and then runs a second activity. The application is implemented using […]