Monthly Archives: August 2020

Encrypting texts for an Identity in ASP.NET Core Razor Pages using AES and RSA

The article shows how encrypted texts can be created for specific users in an ASP.NET Core Razor page application. Symmetric encryption is used to encrypt the text or the payload. Asymmetric encryption is used to encrypt the AES key and the IV of the symmetric encryptions. Each ASP.NET Core Identity has an associated X509Certificate2 with […]

Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption in .NET Core

This post looks at symmetric and asymmetric encryption and how this could be implemented in .NET Core. Symmetric encryption is fast and can encrypt or decrypt large amounts of text, streams or files but requires a shared key. Asymmetric encryption can be used without shared a key, but can only encrypt or decrypt small texts […]

Securing Azure Functions using API Keys

This article shows how to secure Azure Functions using API Keys. This is useful, if you have no control over the API client implementation, the client code base cannot be easily changed or the client is not Azure hosted. This should only be used with trusted clients and is for machine to machine usage. Code: […]

Retry Error Handling for Activities and Orchestrations in Azure Durable Functions

Azure Durable Functions provides a rich set of Error Handling APIs. This post shows how Activities or Sub-Orchestrations can be re-run with the different retry options. Activities in a workflow can call an API or run a code flow which might fail due to connection problems, network timeouts or other similar problems. If it was […]

Azure Durable Functions Monitoring and Diagnostics

The post shows some of the possibilities to monitor Azure Durable Functions and how diagnostic APIs could be implemented. Code: Posts in this series Using External Inputs in Azure Durable functions Azure Functions Configuration and Secrets Management Using Key Vault and Managed Identities with Azure Functions Waiting for Azure Durable Functions to complete Azure […]