Monthly Archives: October 2021

Create and issue verifiable credentials in ASP.NET Core using Azure AD

This article shows how Azure AD verifiable credentials can be issued and used in an ASP.NET Core application. An ASP.NET Core Razor page application is used to implement the credential issuer. To issue credentials, the application must manage the credential subject data as well as require authenticated users who would like to add verifiable credentials […]

Creating Microsoft Teams meetings in ASP.NET Core using Microsoft Graph application permissions part 2

This article shows how to create Microsoft Teams meetings in ASP.NET Core using Microsoft Graph with application permissions. This is useful if you have a designated account to manage or create meetings, send emails or would like to provide a service for users without an office account to create meetings. This is a follow up […]

Challenges to Self Sovereign Identity

The article goes through some of the challenges we face when using or implementing identity, authentication and authorization solutions using self sovereign identity. I based my findings after implementing and testing solutions and wallets with the following SSI solution providers: Trinsic Evernym Azure Active Directory Verifiable Credentials Different Wallets like Lissi Blogs in this […]

Implement a secure API and a Blazor app in the same ASP.NET Core project with Azure AD authentication

The article shows how an ASP.NET Core API and a Blazor BBF application can be implemented in the same project and secured using Azure AD with Microsoft.Identity.Web. The Blazor application is secured using the BFF pattern with its backend APIs protected using cookies with anti-forgery protection and same site. The API is protected using JWT […]