Tag Archives: OAuth2

Implement a secure Blazor Web application using OpenID Connect and security headers

This article shows how to implement a secure .NET 8 Blazor Web application using OpenID Connect and security headers with CSP nonces. The NetEscapades.AspNetCore.SecurityHeaders nuget package is used to implement the security headers and OpenIddict is used to implement the OIDC server. Code: https://github.com/damienbod/BlazorWebOidc OpenIddict is used as the identity provider and an OpenID connect […]

BFF secured ASP.NET Core application using downstream API and an OAuth client credentials JWT

This article shows how to implement a web application using backend for frontend security architecture for authentication and consumes data from a downstream API protected using a JWT access token which can only be accessed using an app-to-app access token. The access token is acquired using the OAuth2 client credentials flow and the API does […]

Multi client blob storage access using ASP.NET Core with Entra ID authentication and RBAC

This article shows how to onboard different clients or organizations in an ASP.NET Core application to use separated Azure blob containers with controlled access using security groups and RBAC applied roles. Each user in a client group can only access a single blob storage and has no access to blob containers belonging to different clients. […]

Using Blob storage from ASP.NET Core with Entra ID authentication

This article shows how to implement a secure upload and a secure download in ASP.NET Core using Azure blob storage. The application uses Microsoft Entra ID for authentication and also for access to the Azure Blob storage container. Code: https://github.com/damienbod/AspNetCoreEntraIdBlobStorage Blogs in this series Security architecture The application is setup to store the file uploads […]

Secure an ASP.NET Core Blazor Web app using Microsoft Entra ID

This article shows how to implement an ASP.NET Core Blazor Web application using Microsoft Entra ID for authentication. Microsoft.Identity.Web is used to implement the Microsoft Entra ID OpenID Connect client. Code: https://github.com/damienbod/Hostedblazor8MeID Note: I based this implementation on the example provided by Tomás López Rodríguez and adapted it. Setup The Blazor Web application is an […]

Migrate ASP.NET Core Blazor Server to Blazor Web

This article shows how to migrate a Blazor server application to a Blazor Web application. The migration used the ASP.NET Core migration documentation, but this was not complete and a few extra steps were required. The starting point was a Blazor Server application secured using OpenID Connect for authentication. The target system is a Blazor […]

Securing a MudBlazor UI web application using security headers and Microsoft Entra ID

This article shows how a Blazor application can be implemented in a secure way using MudBlazor UI components and Microsoft Entra ID as an identity provider. The MudBlazor UI components adds some inline styles and requires a specific CSP setup due to this and the Blazor WASM script requirements. Code: https://github.com/damienbod/MicrosoftEntraIDMudBlazor Setup The application is […]

Authentication with multiple identity providers in ASP.NET Core

This article shows how to implement authentication in ASP.NET Core using multiple identity providers or secure token servers. When using multiple identity providers, the authentication flows need to be separated per scheme for the sign-in flow and the sign-out flow. The claims are different and would require mapping logic depending on the authorization logic of […]

Issue and verify BBS+ verifiable credentials using ASP.NET Core and trinsic.id

This article shows how to implement identity verification in a solution using ASP.NET Core and trinsic.id, built using an id-tech solution based on self sovereign identity principals. The credential issuer uses OpenID Connect to authenticate, implemented using Microsoft Entra ID. The edge or web wallet authenticates using trinsic.id based on a single factor email code. […]

Implement a secure web application using Vue.js and an ASP.NET Core server

This article shows how to implement a secure web application using Vue.js and ASP.NET Core. The web application implements the backend for frontend security architecture (BFF) and deploys both technical stack distributions as one web application. HTTP only secure cookies are used to persist the session. Microsoft Entra ID is used as the identity provider […]