Monthly Archives: January 2022

Implement a PWA using Blazor with BFF security and Azure B2C

The article shows how to implement a progressive web application (PWA) using Blazor which is secured using the backend for frontend architecture and Azure B2C as the identity provider. Code Setup and challenges with PWAs The application is setup to implement all security in the trusted backend and reduce the security risks of the […]

Use FIDO2 passwordless authentication with Azure AD

This article shows how to implement FIDO2 passwordless authentication with Azure AD for users in an Azure tenant. FIDO2 provides one of the best user authentication methods and is a more secure authentication compared with other account authentication implementations such authenticator apps, SMS, email, password alone or SSI authentication. FIDO2 authentication protects against phishing. To […]

Comparing the backend for frontend (BFF) security architecture with an SPA UI using a public API

This article compares the security architecture of an application implemented using a public UI SPA with a trusted API backend and the same solution implemented using the backend for frontend (BFF) security architecture. The main difference is that the first solution is separated into two applications, implemented and deployed as two where as the second […]

Secure a Blazor WASM ASP.NET Core hosted APP using BFF and OpenIddict

This article shows how to implement authentication and secure a Blazor WASM application hosted in ASP.NET Core using the backend for frontend (BFF) security architecture to authenticate. All security is implemented in the backend and the Blazor WASM is a view of the ASP.NET Core application, no security is implemented in the public client. The […]