Category SignalR

Verify vaccination data using Zero Knowledge Proofs with ASP.NET Core and MATTR

This article shows how Zero Knowledge Proofs ZKP verifiable credentials can be used to verify a persons vaccination data implemented in ASP.NET Core and MATTR. The ZKP BBS+ verifiable credentials are issued and stored on a digital wallet using a Self-Issued Identity Provider (SIOP) and Open ID Connect. The data can then be used to […]

Present and Verify Verifiable Credentials in ASP.NET Core using Decentralized Identities and MATTR

This article shows how use verifiable credentials stored on a digital wallet to verify a digital identity and use in an application. For this to work, a trust needs to exist between the verifiable credential issuer and the application which requires the verifiable credentials to verify. A blockchain decentralized database is used and MATTR is […]

Securing browser based Javascript, Typescript applications

This article should help you in choosing the right security for your browser based Javascript or Typescript applications. You should aim to secure the application as best as possible. The following diagram should help you in making your decision. Also for any of these flows, you should always use HTTPS. Appendix SPA: Single page application […]

Uploading and sending image messages with ASP.NET Core SignalR

This article shows how images could be uploaded using a file upload with a HTML form in an ASP.MVC Core view, and then sent to application clients using SignalR. The images are uploaded as an ICollection of IFormFile objects, and sent to the SignalR clients using a base64 string. Angular is used to implement the […]

Using Message Pack with ASP.NET Core SignalR

This post shows how SignalR could be used to send messages between different C# console clients using Message Pack as the protocol. An ASP.NET Core web application is used to host the SignalR Hub. Code: Posts in this series History 2023-01-08 Updated Angular 15, .NET 72021-01-25 Updated Angular 11.1.0 .NET 5, ngrx implementation2020-03-21 updated […]

Sending Direct Messages using SignalR with ASP.NET Core and Angular

This article shows how SignalR could be used to send direct messages between different clients using ASP.NET Core to host the SignalR Hub and Angular to implement the clients. Code: Posts in this series History 2023-01-08 Updated Angular 15, .NET 72021-01-25 Updated Angular 11.1.0 .NET 5, ngrx implementation2020-03-21 updated packages, fixed Admin UI STS2019-08-18 […]

Securing an Angular SignalR client using JWT tokens with ASP.NET Core and Duende IdentityServer

This post shows how an Angular SignalR client can send secure messages using JWT bearer tokens with an API and an STS server. The STS server is implemented using Duende IdentityServer and the API is implemented using ASP.NET Core. Code: Posts in this series History 2023-01-08 Updated Angular 15, .NET 72021-01-25 Updated Angular 11.1.0 […]

SignalR Group messages with ngrx and Angular

This article shows how SignalR can be used to send grouped messages to an Angular SignalR client, which uses ngrx to handle the SignalR events in the Angular client. Code: Posts in this series History 2023-01-08 Updated Angular 15, .NET 72021-01-25 Updated Angular 11.1.0 .NET 5, ngrx implementation2020-03-21 updated packages, fixed Admin UI STS2019-08-18 […]

Getting started with SignalR using ASP.NET Core and Angular

This article shows how to setup a first SignalR Hub in ASP.NET Core 2.2 and use it with an Angular client. SignalR was released with dotnet 2.1. Thanks to Dennis Alberti for his help in setting up the code example. Code: Posts in this series History 2023-01-08 Updated Angular 15, .NET 72021-01-25 Updated Angular […]

Visualizing Elasticsearch Watcher events using ASP.NET Core 1.0, SignalR and Angular

This article shows how to display Elasticsearch Watcher events in an Angular UI using SignalR. The Elasticsearch Watcher events are sent to a MVC 6 controller in an ASP.NET Core 1.0 application. The action method in the controller handles the watcher events and sends the data to the Angular UI using SignalR and the SignalR […]