Tag Archives: nx

Secure Angular application using OpenIddict and ASP.NET Core with BFF

The article shows how an Angular nx Standalone UI hosted in an ASP.NET Core application can be secured using cookies. OpenIddict is used as the identity provider. The trusted application is protected using the Open ID Connect code flow with a secret and using PKCE. The API calls are protected using the secure cookie and anti-forgery […]

Secure Angular application using Auth0 and ASP.NET Core with BFF

The article shows how an Angular nx Standalone UI hosted in an ASP.NET Core application can be secured using cookies. Auth0 is used as the identity provider. The trusted application is protected using the Open ID Connect code flow with a secret and using PKCE. The API calls are protected using the secure cookie and anti-forgery tokens […]

Implement a secure web application using nx Standalone Angular and an ASP.NET Core server

This article shows how to implement a secure web application using Angular and ASP.NET Core. The web application implements the backend for frontend security architecture (BFF) and deploys both technical stack distributions as one web application. HTTP only secure cookies are used to persist the session. Microsoft Entra ID is used as the identity provider […]