Tag Archives: Authz

Create Azure B2C users with Microsoft Graph and ASP.NET Core

This article shows how to create different types of Azure B2C users using Microsoft Graph and ASP.NET Core. The users are created using application permissions in an Azure App registration. Code: https://github.com/damienbod/azureb2c-fed-microsoft-entra-id History 2024-01-02 Updated to .NET 8, Graph SDK 5 The Microsoft.Identity.Web Nuget package is used to authenticate the administrator user that can create […]

Securing OAuth Bearer tokens from multiple Identity Providers in an ASP.NET Core API

This article shows how to secure and use different APIs in an ASP.NET Core API which support OAuth access tokens from multiple identity providers. Access tokens from Azure AD and from Auth0 can be be used to access data from the service. Each API only supports a specific token from the specific identity provider. Microsoft.Identity.Web […]

Adding ASP.NET Core authorization for an Azure Blob Storage and Azure AD users using role assignments

This post shows how authorization can be implemented for Azure Storage Blob containers in an ASP.NET Core web application. The two roles Storage Blob Data Contributor and Storage Blob Data Reader are used to authorize the Azure AD users which use the Blob storage container. Users are assigned the roles using role assignment. This authorization […]

Implement app roles authorization with Azure AD and ASP.NET Core

This post shows how to implement Azure AD App roles and applied to users or groups in Azure AD. The roles are used in an ASP.NET Core Razor page application as well as a ASP.NET Core API. The roles from the access token and the id token are used to authorize the identity which is […]

Using multiple APIs in Blazor with Microsoft Entra ID authentication

The post shows how to create a Blazor application which is hosted in an ASP.NET Core application and provides a public API which uses multiple downstream APIs. Both the Blazor client and the Blazor API are protected by Azure AD authentication. The Blazor UI Client is protected like any single page application. This is a […]

Securing Azure Functions using API Keys

This article shows how to secure Azure Functions using API Keys. This is useful, if you have no control over the API client implementation, the client code base cannot be easily changed or the client is not Azure hosted. This should only be used with trusted clients and is for machine to machine usage. Code: […]

Angular SPA with an ASP.NET Core API using Azure AD Auth and user access tokens

This post shows how to authenticate an Angular SPA application using Azure AD and consume secure data from an ASP.NET Core API which is protected by Azure AD. Azure AD App registrations are used to configure and setup the authentication and authorization. The Angular application uses the OpenID Connect Code flow with PKCE and the […]

Login and use an ASP.NET Core API with Azure AD Auth and user access tokens

In this blog post, Azure AD will be setup and used to authenticate and authorize an ASP.NET core Razor Page application which uses an API from a separate ASP.NET Core MVC project. User access tokens are used to access to API, so that an email can be used in the API. The API is not […]